Thank you so much for your interest in a Canine Assistants dog.  As you begin this process, please understand that we can only meet a minuscule part of the overall need. This has bothered us for years, so as a way to ultimately help more people, we have restructured somewhat.  In addition to the dogs we can place each year, we are working hard to help others start or restructure their service dog schools. To be able to make informed decisions, we can only accept pre-applications from applicants and/or or their primary caregivers.  Be sure to read everything carefully to ensure that you understand the preliminary application requirements.  Preliminary Applications that don’t meet the requirements will not be considered.  Also, read the questions carefully and provide a complete answer. 

Please remember we do NOT place:

Emotional Support Dogs

Autism Service Dogs

Psychiatric Service Dogs

Guide Dogs

Signal (Hearing) Dogs

Canine Assistants Preliminary Application 

Please complete this Preliminary Application.  There are NO right or wrong answers.  Trying to guess what will make us happy, might actually hurt your chances!  Just answer as honestly as you can.

For child applicants developmentally able to answer the questions on the preliminary application, a separate preliminary application must be submitted with the child’s answers to the questions.  Each parent/parental figure living with the applicant must also each complete their own individual preliminary application(s). Each parent living with an adult child applicant must also submit their own separate preliminary applications.  In other words, if the child/adult child applicant lives with two parents and is developmentally able to complete their own preliminary application, three preliminary applications must be submitted.  For those completing this form for a younger child or anyone needing help, we ask that you do your best not to let your own thoughts or feelings influence the answers.  Preliminary applications for child/adult child applicants submitted without additional required preliminary applications will not be considered. 
We review all Preliminary Applications and send Invitations to the full application to those we feel we can best help in a timely manner.  All responses are sent via email on or just before the last day of each quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31). If you have not received a response to your preliminary application by the end of the quarter, please check your spam.  If the response is not in your spam, call us at (770) 664-7178, or email to 

Complete the Canine Assistants Preliminary Application below:

Service Dog Pre-Application

  • Name of the person who needs a service dog.
  • Any parental figures who live with the applicant must be listed here. Remember that each parental figure living in the home must submit their own preliminary application.
  • If applicant lives with parent or guardian, they must submit their own preliminary application.