General Information:

What is Canine Assistants?
Canine Assistants is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people and dogs so they may enhance the lives of one another. We specialize in placing service dogs with people who have difficulty with mobility, epilepsy/seizure disorders, or Type 1 Diabetes as well as dogs in pediatric hospitals and similar facilities.

When was Canine Assistants founded?

Who founded Canine Assistants?
Jennifer Arnold. Learn more about Jennifer Arnold!

How many dogs are placed each year?
We are currently placing between 75-100 dogs annually.

How many dogs are on the farm?
Around 120 at any given time.

How many dogs have been placed since 1991?
Over 1,500.

About Our Service Dogs:

What is a service dog?
A service dog is one type of assistance dog that primarily provides physical or mobility assistance. Learn more about our dogs.

What types of assistance dogs exist?
Guide, hearing, service, seizure response, diabetic alert, and emotional support are all types of assistance dogs.

What types of service dogs does Canine Assistants educate?
We provide service dogs for people who have mobility difficulties, seizure response dogs for those who have epilepsy/seizure disorders, and diabetic alert dogs for those with Type 1 Diabetes. Learn more about our dogs.

What breeds of dogs are at Canine Assistants?
Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Doodles, as well as Golden and Lab mixes. Learn more about our dogs.

Where do you get your dogs?
Canine Assistants has our own breeding program.

At what age do the dogs start learning?
Puppies begin their education at just a week of age.

How long does it take to educate a service dog?
Approximately a year and a half; each dog is different.

What do they learn?
The dogs learn a wide variety of assistance activities, including opening and closing doors, picking up dropped items, and turning lights on/off.

Why do you let people pet your service dogs in public?
At Canine Assistants, we allow each recipient to make decisions regarding any potential interactions between their dog and people in public. If our recipients feel that allowing someone, who politely asks to pat their dog, will not cause any negative consequences for any of the parties involved, including the dog, then we feel such interaction is perfectly acceptable. Some programs do not allow their dogs to be touched by people in public fearing that the dogs will become distracted which may cause them difficulties in the future. We believe that our recipients are capable of determining for themselves whether or not distraction is a concern. A large part of the benefit of having a service dog is the increased social interaction of the recipient.

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Applying for a Service Dog:

What is the application process?
Applications can be filled out via our website on the “Apply for a Service Dog” page. Once received, our Recipient Coordinator (Nicole Hern) will contact the applicant within a few months to conduct an initial phone interview and discuss the application. If it is determined that a service dog will be of benefit to the applicant, they are then placed on the waiting list.

How many people are currently on the waiting list?
Approximately 300 applicants.

How long is the waiting list?
Unfortunately, it can be 5 years; sometimes it can even take longer.

How are applicants placed on the waiting list?
Our waiting list is needs-based; those with the greatest need go to the top of the list. Each applicant is evaluated based on how much a dog could do to help physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially. We encourage those who need a service dog to apply despite our long waiting list.

Are there age restrictions?
Canine Assistants will typically place dogs with children starting at 8-10 years of age. Yet, families with younger children are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as their child will usually be eligible for a dog after significant time spent on the waiting list.

Who is eligible to apply?
Anyone who has a physical disability, seizure condition, diabetes, or other special need.

Can dogs be placed with applicants that have other pets at home?

How long is a dog in service?
The average age of retirement is about 10 years, give or take a year or two.

What happens after a dog retires?
Canine Assistants discusses the situation with the recipient and/or family to determine what is best for them. Most dogs remain with the recipient or family strictly as a pet without public access since they have become an important part of the family after many years. If the recipient or family is interested in applying for a second service dog, we encourage their application. If approved, second-timers are placed on the waiting list and matched with a new dog as soon as possible.

Is the Canine Assistants Vet Clinic open to the public?
No. The Vet Clinic is specifically for Canine Assistants animals. Any recipient who is able to easily travel to our vet clinic can receive veterinary care free of charge. For those who cannot visit our vet clinic, arrangements are made to cover any veterinary expenses if needed with the recipient’s local veterinarian. After Care is available for those who qualify.

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Information About the Farm:

How large is the Canine Assistants farm?
18 acres.

What other animals are on the farm?
Two miniature donkeys, two goats, three horses, two cats, and multiple personal pet rescue dogs.

What is the purpose of the other animals on the farm?
Many of the non-service dog animals on the farm have been rescued (i.e. all of the horses, cats, and personal pet dogs) and serve as a wonderful opportunity to provide Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) opportunities for special needs groups that come to visit.

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Canine Assistants’ Education Programs:

What is the Canine Assistants education program?
The Canine Assistants education program is our Noah Elliott Stowers Center for Animal Assisted Education. Included in this program are our education presentations, tours, info tables, AAT sessions, and our K-9 Kids Reading Program.

How does one get involved with Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)?
AAT refers to activities in which we simply introduce children and adults to the unconditional love that our service dogs provide. It also provides a novel experience to practice gross motor skills, enhance traditional therapy, and simply relax with a dog. There are numerous opportunities with AAT around metro Atlanta, in hospitals, assisted living facilities, special needs classrooms, community groups, etc. A brief additional orientation is necessary for AAT activities following certification and some programs (i.e. hospitals) may require a separate orientation as well.

What is K-9 Kids?
The K-9 Kids Reading Program enables students who are reading below grade level to practice their reading skills in the company of Canine Assistants dogs, who can be quite avid listeners. K-9 Kids volunteers and dogs visit many schools throughout the metro-Atlanta area each week throughout the school year for about an hour. Students’ self-esteem and confidence have skyrocketed with the success of K-9 Kids and our dogs are honored to serve as academic ambassadors. Learn more about K-9 Kids here

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Volunteer Opportunities:

How can I become a volunteer?
We have both a local volunteer and a national volunteer program. To learn more about volunteer training and opportunities, simply visit the “Volunteer” tab. Children under the age of 18 are permitted to accompany their parents to instructional classes and volunteer activities, provided the parent is the primary volunteer.

Local Volunteering -|- National Volunteering

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Financial Questions:

If a person cannot afford a dog can they still receive one from Canine Assistants?
Yes! We operate on a needs basis and many of the people who need a service dog most cannot afford one. Therefore, Canine Assistants covers the education, food, and medical costs for the life of every dog placed.

To learn more about how you can help an individual in need receive a Canine Assistants service dog, please visit here.

How much do your dogs cost?
Nothing! Canine Assistants does not charge for any of our services. The lifelong care for each of our dogs is well over $32,000 so Canine Assistants creates sponsorships to cover the medical, food, and teaching costs for the life of every dog placed. We use the support of individuals, foundations, and corporations to fund our sponsorships and programs. To learn more about how you can help an individual in need receive a Canine Assistants service dog please visit Donating To Canine Assistants.

If I make a donation how will my money be used?
Canine Assistants has a very low overhead, about 7%, which means that when you donate to our organization 93% of your money goes directly to help us educate, feed, and care for our dogs. We will also use your support to cover the travel, lodging, and food costs for an individual to come to our facilities in Milton, GA to meet and receive their service dog. It is very important to Canine Assistants that all funding is directed to where it is needed most and that the wishes of our donors are met with honesty, confidence, and transparency. To learn more about how Canine Assistants utilizes your support please visit Donation FAQs.

Do you receive government funding?
No, we only accept private donations. While we never want to turn donations away that would help an individual in need receive a dog more quickly, Canine Assistants does not feel it is right to take tax dollars from individuals who do not know they are giving to our organization. Therefore, Canine Assistants solely relies on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and corporations to fulfill our mission. If you would like to support our organization please visit Donating To Canine Assistants.

What is a service dog sponsorship?
Service dog and recipient camp sponsorships are set up to ensure no monetary costs are passed on to our recipients. Since Canine Assistants does not charge anything for the services we provide, we must raise all funds necessary to support the placement of our service dogs. Service dog sponsorships are instrumental in covering the costs associated with teaching, boarding, lifetime medical care, and placement of a service dog with an individual who has a physical disability or other special need. If you are interested in learning more about service dog sponsorships and how you can help please visit Donation FAQs.

What is a recipient camp sponsorship?
Recipient camp sponsorships assist in covering food, lodging and transportation expenses during each two-week camp. When an applicant reaches the top of the waiting list, we assign them to one of our two-week recipient camps where the individual will meet and be taught how to work with his or her new best friend. We currently conduct six recipient camps per year, with an average of twelve to fourteen recipients per camp. During these two weeks, our recipients attend lectures on dog management, participate in teaching sessions at our facility, and go on numerous outings to venues of public accommodation such as restaurants, malls, and schools to practice handling skills in public. If you are interested in learning more about recipient camp sponsorships and how you can help please visit Donation FAQs.

Do you accept dog donations?
No. If you are interested in donating your dog to an assistance dog organization, please contact the Delta Society to navigate their comprehensive directory of service dog organizations throughout the country. If you need to find a home for your dog in the Atlanta area, you can visit the SPOT Atlanta Area Animal Rescue List. This website provides a listing of various rescue groups for pure breeds and mixed breeds alike. If outside of the Atlanta area, please search for rescue groups in your area using the internet.

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Federal Employees:

Is Canine Assistants a member of the Combined Federal Campaign?
Yes. Canine Assistants is extremely excited about our continued participation in the Combined Federal Campaign through the Animal Charities of America Federation. The CFC, for short, allows all federal employees and military personnel to designate funds to Canine Assistants using our CFC reference number: 10017.

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