Our Dogs

Service Dogs

Canine Assistants service dogs are born, raised, and educated at our facility in Milton, Georgia. Our service dogs are Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Goldendoodles, and mixes of those breeds.

General Mobility Service Dogs
Canine Assistants service dogs assist children and adults with physical disabilities or other special needs in a variety of ways. Some of the tasks our dogs perform include turning lights on and off, opening and closing doors, retrieving dropped objects, and summoning help. While all of these functions are vitally important in helping a person obtain greater freedom, perhaps the most impressive gift our dogs provide is social, rather than physical, in nature. The dogs eliminate feelings of fear, isolation, and loneliness felt by their companions. One Canine Assistants recipient made the value of this gift quite clear when asked by a reporter what she liked most about her service dog. Immediately, she responded, “My dog makes my wheelchair disappear.”

Seizure Response Dogs
Canine Assistants educates and places seizure response dogs with individuals with epilepsy and seizure disorders. Following general education, seizure response dogs are taught to remain next to a recipient during the course of a seizure, summon help in a controlled environment, or retrieve a phone prior to a seizure when indicated by the recipient. Some dogs may even develop the ability to predict and react in advance to an oncoming seizure once they are placed with their recipient.

Diabetic Alert Dogs
Canine Assistants also places diabetic alert dogs with Type 1 Diabetic patients. They are taught to alert to changes in blood sugar levels, get help when needed, alert other family members, retrieve medication, and help reduce stress.

Companion Dogs
Like service dogs, companion dogs also serve to assist children and adults with physical disabilities or other special needs. Companion dogs work primarily in a recipient’s home, without public access, assisting with tasks around the house and more importantly, contributing to the emotional well-being of the person.